Thursday, April 12, 2012

Oh gee, Gabriel turned three!!!

It is official...we can no longer refer to Gabriel at "Gabey our baby". He is a big boy! He rides a big boy bike, wears big boy undies, and three years old! He is my most lovey child right now which I soak up every chance I get. He likes to snuggle and give me kisses and say, "I lub you so much mommy". He absolutely adores Avery and I am afraid he is going to be a bit lost without her next fall when she goes to school.

We celebrated Gabe's birthday with style! Frist we made him a special pancake breakfast, then he open our present - Lincoln Logs!

Next we headed to a hotel in town and spent the night with a bunch of our family! It was so much fun for the cousins to all play and swim together, and in a child's mind nothing is more awesome than sleeping at a hotel.

The very best present, though, was that my brother and his family were back in town from Brazil and were able to celebrate with us! We can't wait until they are back for another visit in July.

Crazy group of cousins! We were the loud group in the hotel that night!

The icing on the birthday weekend was getting to spend the day with my sister in law and nephews before they headed back to Brazil. The kids had a blast playing together in the snow and riding sleds and snowboards down the slide. It is so great how people you love can move far away, but you can pick right back up where you left off when they come for a visit. We are blessed!

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