Friday, April 13, 2012

Cloth Diapers

A few months ago we visited Corbin's grandfather who lives a little over an hour away, and one would think that after 4 babies I would know how to pack a diaper bag for such a trip. Here's the deal, sometimes I have an "oops, I forgot" approach to life, and guess what - I forgot the diaper bag. Corbin has been working with me for the past 10 years to become a better planner...I obviously have a way to go. Well, of course Luke messied (I mean REALLY messied) his diaper and we had to get creative. Take an old towel, a roll of scotch tape, and ta-da! you got a good old-fashioned cloth diaper. Luke didn't mind a bit, the big kids thought it was hilarious, and perhaps my resourcefulness made up for my lack of planning.

I have a huge amount of respect for women who choose cloth diapers...but I sure am thankful for the disposable kind!

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